The voltage of an laptop ac adpater source changes from instant to instant in time. The effective voltage of an AC utility power source is usually considered to be the DC voltage that would produce the same power dissipation as heat assuming a pure resistance. The effective voltage for a sine wave is not the same as the peak voltage. To obtain effective Toshiba PA3290U 2ACA ac adapter voltage from peak voltage, multiply by 0.707. To obtain peak voltage from effective voltage, multiply by 1.414.
Before purchasing the Toshiba PA3290U 2ACA ac adapter, please read carefully your laptop user manual to ensure the tech specs are compatible with your laptop.This laptop AC adapter is suitable to laptop, featuring with many protection functions, such as overload protection, output short circuit protection. Its compact and lightweight design makes it convenient to provide portable power source for use at office or home. 130W design enables optimum system performance.
The voltage of a Toshiba PA3290U 2ACA ac adapter source changes from instant to instant in time. The effective voltage of alaptop ac adpater source is usually considered to be the DC voltage that would produce the same power dissipation as heat assuming a pure resistance. The effective voltage for a sine wave is not the same as the peak voltage.
Believe that having read so many information about Toshiba PA3290U 2ACA ac adapter warranty. has been a gennernal understanding for most of laptop ac adapter warranty , and finally we sum up the Toshiba PA3290U 2ACA ac adapter aspectswe should understand.
First of all, when the purchase should be asked in detail about the laptop ac adapter to provide long warranty, followed by the manufacturers warranty or are provided by third parties, and the latter method are about the warranty question, to determine the warranty period are the consumers have to carry Toshiba PA3290U 2ACA ac adapter to the designated manufacturers have agreed to place the warranty provided by third parties or again, would we have to ask whether or not to participate Warranty laptop ac adapter, when the all clear, the consumer can be assured of purchase.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
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toshiba laptop ac adapters